WinCC OA Custom Manager, Expands a WinCC OA server license by the option of communicating using a customer-specific manager. For each customer-specific manager, one license required.
under the orderSIEMENS WinCC OA Custom
WinCC OA Custom Driver, Expands a WinCC OA server license by the option of communicating using a customer-specific driver. For each customer-specific driver, one license required.
under the orderSIEMENS WinCC OA API
WinCC OA API interface General, application programming interface for integration of customer-specific managers (C++ or C-Sharp) or drivers. For each development workstation one license is required. When ordering for the first time, participation in a Certified WinCC OA Developer Workshop is strongly recommended. For drive, only C++ is currently available.
under the orderSIEMENS WinCC OA Para
WinCC OA Para for single operator station, client, parameterization and development license for single operator station, graphical editor with symbol catalog, user-friendly script development language, alarming, extended trend, history recording. Requires single operator station license.
under the orderSIEMENS WinCC OA 100
WinCC OA 100 Desktop UIs, 100 operator station licenses with all server operator station functionalities. Only the number of simultaneously active desktop UIs is counted.
under the orderSIEMENS WinCC OA 50
WinCC OA 50 Desktop UIs, 50 operator station licenses with all server operator station functionalities. Only the number of simultaneously active desktop UIs is counted.
under the orderSIEMENS WinCC OA 25
WinCC OA 25 Desktop UIs, 25 operator station licenses with all server operator station functionalities. Only the number of simultaneously active desktop UIs is counted.
under the orderSIEMENS WinCC OA 10
WinCC OA 10 Desktop UIs, 10 operator station licenses with all server operator station functionalities. Only the number of simultaneously active desktop UIs is counted.
under the orderSIEMENS WinCC OA 1
WinCC OA 1 Desktop UI, an additional operator station license with all server operator station functionalities. Only the number of simultaneously active desktop UIs is counted.
under the orderSIEMENS WinCC OA on
WinCC OA on data storage medium, WinCC OA software DVD - current version on disk
under the order